lovers and haters are truly welcome
blog's gon be the way to express shit
feel free to do whatever, cos i dont give a fuck
but the biters can just bounce
Dylan James Roland
The name is surely a given. But people call me 'DEEJ'.
Currently living the single life but the bhessys got me.
I'ma hater - I don't give a fuck, everyone is, true.
My location & school will be not stated because of the creeps.
Keepin this short & simple because this is so unecessary.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 ( 7:12 PM )
( got this idea from a friends tumblr )
Why must a cyattie/cattie - however you want to spell , be defined by how she dresses/looks - basically for her appearance. As what I know, a cyattie is a replacement word for SLU. Like honestly, people these days just use terms they don't even know what they're speaking of. Hella fuckin mix up ! The world needs to get on the english language and stop using slang because it's just ruining their own cycle. I'm sure you don't want to talk with slang your whole life. Like if you get a job and you want to reach an interview what? You're going so speak like " hey whassgood " or some pathetic ridiculous shit like that? Didn't think so.
Sunday, August 2, 2009 ( 1:43 PM )
I love how everyone hypes on this whole hater thing. And just because a negative comment is made, they're a hater. Just because you don't know who or whatever, they're a hater. Wow. But honestly if you think about it everyone's a hater. People hate haters which make them what? A hater, true. People must hate on at least one thing so what are they? A hater. So people need to relax and think again. This term is used on a regular within beef and scraps but really, it makes no differences because
everyone's a hater.